

Gigabit City                               

Where gigabit broadband internet speed is offered to everybody at affordable pricing.


Gigabit Fiber

Technology that moves “big data” …large amount of data at very high speeds of 1 billion bits per second compared with 5 to 30 million bits per second from normal internet providers.


Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

Transit oriented development is moderate to higher density development within an easy walk of a major transit stop with a mix of residential, office, commercial and shopping opportunities designed for pedestrians without excluding
the auto.


Combined Benefits

A revolution in how we define sustainable development that allows us to compete in global markets, accelerate high quality development and transforms our understanding of “community”.



Collective Impact

Large-scale social change requires broad cross-sector coordination, yet the social sector remains focused on the isolated intervention of individual organizations. To learn more, read this 2011 article from the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Click Here.

National Resources

Baller Herbst Stokes & Lide
Communications Law listserv, a compilation of relevant news in Communications and Technology. For past lists and to sign up, Click Here.

Benton Foundation 
"Benton's Headlines" covers the latest news and stories on the Telecommunications industry. To sign up for daily emails or the weekly round-up, Click Here.

Susan Crawford interviews
With Bill Moyers, PBS, Why Our Internet Access is Slow, Costly and Unfair
With Terry Gross, NPR, When it Comes to High-Speed Internet, U.S. 'Falling Way Behind' 

Read about & Purchase Susan Crawford's Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age from a locally owned bookstore.

Read about & Purchase Susan Crawford's The Responsive City: Engaging Communities through Data Smart Governance from a locally owned bookstore.

Tom Friedman Interview                    With Charlie Rose about his book Thank you for Being Late: An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations

Community-Based Broadband Solutions: The Benefits of Competition and Choice for Community Development and High-Speed Internet Access 
January 2015 report from The Executive Office of the President. Click Here to download the PDF.

BroadbandUSA: An Introduction to Effective Public-Private Partnerships for Broadband Investments
January 2015 primer from the U.S. 
Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Click Here to download the PDF. 

The Web at 25 in the U.S.
The Pew Research Center's national survey of Internet adoption and use. Click Here for a summary of Pew's findings.

Next Century Cities
A coalition that supports community leaders as they seek to ensure that all have access to fast, affordable, reliable Internet. Click Here to go to their website.

Building the Gigabit City: A Planning Guide
by Craig J. Settles (2013), broadband industry analyst and business strategist. Click Here to go to his website and download his free e-book.

Broadband Communities Free Publication and Conferences
Excellent Source of Information. Click Here to go to the website website

St. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis Top Start-up City
In this Popular Mechanics article, St. Louis named the #1 place for start ups.

This is Bill.  He has Diabetes If you do nothing else, see this 4 minute video! by St. Louis Beacon (Sally Altman with Dr. Jason Purnell at Washington University Brown School). This Video explores the issue of healthcare & food disparities in the St. Louis region, the story of Bill.

Jim Crow to Barack Obama  This Film Directed & produced by Denise Ward-Brown an Associate Professor at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Washington University. Ms. Ward worked with a group of high school students with the intention to engage in a constructive, inter-generational conversation about race in America and teaching them how to make a film.

The Brainwashing of My Dad – movie access is free at Hoopla through library accounts.

Arch Grants 
A transformative entrepreneurial investment program providing entrepreneurs with the opportunity to start a business with nondilutive capital. Click Here

Providing the start-up entrepreneur with low cost & flexible enterprise space Click Here

CIC St. Louis 
A Co-working and Entrepreneurial Community for Start-ups in St. Louis' Cortex Innovation Community. Now operating in the former Center for Emerging Technologies. Click Here

Cortex Innovation Community
Mid-America's premier innovation hub of bioscience and technology research, development and commercialization. Click Here

Missouri Historic Tax Credit 
Protecting the Historic Tax Credit, Rebuilding Communities, and Neighborhood Preservation programs from revisions in the state legislature that lessen their impact, through targeted educational and lobbying efforts. Click Here

Housing and Community Solutions, Inc. a 501(c)3 not-for-profit
Building sustainable and diverse communities through projects that promote collaboration & community and economic revitalization in the St. Louis region Click Here

Venture Cafe
Located at CIC 4240 Duncan Ave on Thursdays starting at 3pm - 8pm. Click Here

Start Here  
2018 St. Louis Area Resource Directory-  56 pages. Click Here to download the PDF version

Energy Efficient Housing 
Increasing awareness of energy efficient housing practices.

Neighborhood Data Gateway            A map highlighting data that can be used to improve St. Louis neighborhoods.

Community Builders Network of Metro St. Louis 
Association of nonprofit community building organizations (CBOs) and associate members comprised of
lender, philanthropy, nonprofits, and government actors working to build vibrant neighborhoods where people of different incomes, races, and walks of life can access the opportunities and resources necessary for a good life.

Additional Info

Books and More Resources
For a list of books and more potential beneficial resources Click Here

Collective Impact Summary
For a summary of our approach using collective impact strategies Click Here



Passage of the Missouri Historic Tax Credit

Eric Friedman co-founded The Missouri Historic Tax Credit Coalition which was a statewide program that rebuilt St. Louis and Kansas City resulting in:                                                         

  • 100 buildings renovated

  • Largest increase in college graduates in a city business district in the United States

  • Explosion of entrepreneurial activity including T-Rex, ArchGrants, Angel Funds and Accelerators

  • 43,000 jobs

  • $670 million in taxes

  • $2.9 billion in private investment

  • Worked in 66 communities in Missouri

  • Google Fiber comes to Kansas City


Passage of the Metro Sales Tax

Eric Friedman founded The Transit Alliance which played a pivotal role in the passage of this important legislation that brought mass transit to the greater St. Louis metropolitan area.  Created a 50 organization coalition including the Sierra Club, Jobs for Justice, SEIU Metropolitan Congregations United, Unions, Regional Chamber of Commerce, Associated General Contractors, REALTORS and the AIA.


Passage of PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy)

Eric was instrumental in the passage of a national mechanism to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements to real estate similar to a one property CID or TIF with a small coalition of bankers, real estate interests and energy auditors.


Dolce Vita Porto Urban Revitalization

AIA Distinguished Design Award
ICSC International  Design Award
ICSC European Design Award 

Designed by Michael Mindlin, this TOD development opened fully leased at the end of 2006.  It is a spectacular urban complex designed for destination shopping, dining and entertainment including a residential tower and hotel. Avant-guarde design that rises above commercial mediocrity to create something unique in this industry: significant architecture on a tight budget. Mixed use development combined with sports and entertainment that led to the revitalization of this historic community. 


Renaissance Place TOD Urban Revitalization

LI Handbook on Mixed Use
ULI Handbook on Place Making
ULI Handbook on Town Centers 

Designed by Michael Mindlin, this new TOD project includes five separate buildings whose uses include entertainment, offices and apartments over street-front retail.  Careful planning resulted in 26 new national and local retailers and 6 new condominium developments built upon the success of this development… and every night the people of Highland Park come together as a “community” here in Renaissance Place. Transit oriented development (TOD) that led to the revitalization of this historic community.


Plaza Frontenac   Repositioning

 ULI Handbook on Retail Development

Michael Mindlin’s strategy for the repositioning and renovation of Plaza Frontenac resulted in a new retail mix that retained the mature, affluent shopper, but also attracted a younger, more diverse customer. The solution expanded the mall’s customer base… extended the shopping duration… and expanded visitation.

 "The renovation put Plaza Frontenac on the cutting edge of design"... and  increased in-line sales by $150 per square foot.