Broadband Communities Economic Development Conference

Eric Friedman was in Lexington,  Kentucky to attend the Economic Development Conference of BroadBand Communities Magazine where he heard the Lt. Governor and the CIO of Kentucky announce the Kentucky Wired Program a bi-partisan effort with Congressman Hal Rogers.  The program will create a $340 million network of 3,400 miles starting in eastern Kentucky to connect the state and provide Broadband access to communities that might not have the service without the network.


Eric was also meeting with some of the national leaders in the field from Kansas City, Washington DC, Las Vegas, Maryland, Utah, California, Canada and Israel to name a few, to learn from each of them and to share the Broadband Collaborative vision and model with great success. 

Broadband Surveys - Please help us move St. Louis forward!

Accelerating Economic, Community, Educational & Health Development, through Community Networks & through Collective Impact Projects & Public-Private Partnerships

Your Opinion Counts!

Please participate in one of these surveys!

You'll have 4 chances to Win $100 to a University City business of your choice.

We're working to get as many people as possible to respond to one of these two surveys, a regional survey and an Olive survey.

The Broadband Collaborative as part of a feasibility contract with University City has initiated two surveys of businesses and organizations to understand the importance of fast and reliable Internet service to their day to day activities and their plans for growth and expansion.  Over 400 communities in the U.S. either have high-speed fiber or are in the process of building their own networks.  We want to see St. Louis become a Gigabit region.


- Susan Crawford, Author of Captive Audience, co-author of The Responsive City, and former Special Assistant for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy to President Obama

Regional Survey: for business owners and individuals throughout the region. For individuals, just fill out questions that pertain to you as an individual.

Olive Boulevard Survey: for business owners, organizations and employees of Businesses and Organizations on Olive Boulevard in University City

Please send this to your friends, family and associates in the St. Louis Region so they can participate as well.

Thank you in advance for helping us move St. Louis forward!

The Broadband Collaborative is a growing group of organizations and individual professionals, presently at 28, who are working together to improve and enhance our region. Our ultimate goal is to have high-speed broadband internet throughout the St. Louis region.

Broadband Survey for St. Louis Region Businesses & Institutions

We need your input!

Please forward this link to individuals and organizations that might be interested in moving St. Louis forward and completing this survey. Thank you!

Click here: Please complete this online survey. The projected close date is May 22.

The City of University City has retained the TOD Broadband Fiber Collaborative LLC (“Broadband Collaborative”) to explore the feasibility of bringing high-speed broadband fiber Internet to Olive Boulevard, a 4-mile commercial corridor between I-170 and Skinker Boulevard. The City would like to determine if high-speed fiber will encourage redevelopment of the four-mile east-west Olive Boulevard corridor, which spans from the City of St. Louis to the City of Olivette and has an average daily traffic of 17,000. High-speed broadband fiber Internet could provide faster Internet services to businesses along the corridor.

The city has asked the "Broadband Collaborative", a Collaborative of 28 organizations and individual professionals, to survey businesses in the region to understand their potential need for high-speed broadband Internet service and how this infrastructure could potentially impact University City and businesses moving to Olive Boulevard and the region. Your feedback is critical. Please respond to this short survey. If you would like more information about this project, email us at with the subject, "Yes keep me informed about high speed broadband fiber on Olive Boulevard and the region."

All survey respondents who provide their email address will be entered into a drawing to win one of two $100 Gift Certificates to the business of their choice in University City.  Please provide your email address so we can contact you if you win.

Thank you in advance.

University City Olive Boulevard, Broadband Survey for Businesses & Anchor Institutions

We need your input!

Please forward this link to individuals and organizations that might be interested in moving St. Louis forward and completing this survey. Thank you!

Click here: Please complete this online survey. The projected close date is May 22.

The City of University City retained the TOD Broadband Fiber Collaborative LLC (“Broadband Collaborative”) to research the feasibility of bringing high-speed broadband fiber Internet to the Olive commercial corridor. The City would like to determine if high-speed fiber will encourage redevelopment of the four-mile east-west Olive Boulevard corridor, which spans from the City of St. Louis to the City of Olivette and has an average daily traffic of 17,000. High-speed broadband fiber Internet could provide faster Internet services to businesses along the corridor.

A survey of Olive businesses and their potential use of high-speed broadband Internet service is being administered to assist in identifying potential use and demand for high-speed fiber Internet access on Olive Boulevard. Your feedback is critical. Please respond to this short survey. If you would like more information about this project, email us at with the subject, "Yes keep me informed about high speed broadband fiber on Olive Boulevard."

All survey respondents who provide their email address will be entered into a drawing to win one of two $100 Gift Certificates to the business of their choice on Olive Boulevard.  Please provide your email address so we can contact you if you win.

Thank you in advance.