
Fiber: The Coming Tech Revolution and Why America Might Miss it by Susan P. Crawford, former Special Assistant for Technology & Innovation to President Obama. Now at Harvard Law School.

Captive Audience by Susan P. Crawford, former Special Assistant for Technology & Innovation to President Obama.  Now at Harvard Law School. 

The Responsive City by Susan Crawford and Stephen Goldsmith (former Mayor of Indianapolis, who then worked for Mayor Bloomberg in New York).  Goldsmith is at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. and others at

The New Digital Deal by Bas Boorsima - Highly recommended by Kansas City’s Chief Innovation Officer, Bob Bennett.  Who is implementing Kansas City’s Smart City Program.

A New City O/S: The Power of Open, Collaborative, and Distributed Governance by Stephen Goldsmith, Neil Kleiman

New York Times Best Sellers * These are life changing books!

Thank You For Being Late, An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations by Thomas Friedman * (the Digital Revolution) See Interview  @ the resource page at this website:

Blue Zones by Dan Buettner*, also a Ted Talk * and others on youtube

Being Mortal by Atul Gawande * also a Ted Talk and others on youtube

Additional Links

Housing and Community Solutions, Inc.*

Data Gateway*

Community Builders Network -  an association of nonprofit community building organizations (CDCs) and associate members comprised of lenders, philanthropy, nonprofits, and government working to build vibrant neighborhoods where people of different incomes, races, and walks of life can access the opportunities and resources necessary for a good life.

* Projects and Websites by Collaborators. If you would like to add your resources that support Community, Digital Divide, Health, Education, email us at

Google Groups Instructions a Great Resource:

Funding Resources  Low Cost Crowd Funding for Community Projects was $35 for the site and 3% per transaction (Jennifer Allen – our contact was formerly with Trailnet)

Charitable Remainder Trusts – for larger donations, 6 figures or more, with an added enhancement. (Call the number below for more information)